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SQL QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Managing, Analyzing, and Manipulating Data With SQL

Published: 18 November 2019

Are you a developer who wants to expand your mastery to database management?
Then you NEED this book. Buy now and start reading today!

Are you a project manager who needs to better understand your development team's needs? A decision maker who needs to make deeper data-driven analysis?
Everything you need to know is included in these pages!

The ubiquity of big data means that now more than ever there is a burning need to warehouse, access, and understand the contents of massive databases quickly and efficiently.

That's where SQL comes in.

SQL is the workhorse programming language that forms the backbone of modern data management and interpretation.

Any database management professional will tell you that despite trendy data management languages that come and go, SQL remains the most widely used and most reliable to date, with no signs of stopping. In this comprehensive guide, experienced mentor and SQL expert Walter Shields draws on his considerable knowledge to make the topic of relational database management accessible, easy to understand, and highly actionable.

SQL QuickStart Guide is ideal for those seeking to increase their job prospects and enhance their careers, for developers looking to expand their programming capabilities, or for anyone who wants to take advantage of our inevitably data-driven future-even with no prior coding experience!

Pages: 242
ISBN: 1945051752
ISBN-13: 978-1945051753
Language: English
Buy at bookdepository.com free delivery worldwide.