Table in HTML.
What can you do with tables ? Well a lot, you can use it for every layout you can imagine.
You can insert pictures in it, banners, lists, form, ... you name it.
The basic of the table is the following,
Like with the lists you do not need to write </TD>, but it is better you do write it.
<TABLE> <TR> <TD> </TD> </TR> </TABLE>
You can align the entire table with 1 tag:
Note this doesn't NOT align the text in the cells, only the table on the page.If you want to align the text in the cell's you need to add it in the <TD>
or if you want the entire row to be done <TR>
It looks like this :
If you want to align the text in the cell's VERTICAL you need to add the VALIGN-tag in <TR>
It looks like this :
You can also specify the wide and height of the table and each cell.
You can add it in % and in pixels.
You don't need to add the quotes but you better do.You can add the border width.
If you don't add it there will be no border.You can also add a border color.
<TABLE BORDER="1" bordercolor="#??????">
If you don't add it the standard color will be used. (Black on most systems)Cellspacing, gives the space between the cell's in pixel's.
Cellpadding, gives the space between the text in the cell and the cellborder.
Caption is the tag the can contains the title of the table.
It isn't used much.
- You can also add a align tag here.
standard is TOP.
is basically the same as<TD>
but is mostly used on the first row.
TH stands for Table Heads and TD stand for Table Data.If you don't want that the text in a cell be broken (put on another line because it is to long)
You can add :
Watch out this can cause problems if you look at your page in a lower resolution.Now something very special.
If you want to merge two or more cells you need the following:
for horizontally
for vertically
You have to replace the ?-mark with the number of rows you want to merge.Here is a example of a table.