Where does MySQL store it database files

Posts regarding the MySQL database server
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Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:19 pm

Where does MySQL store it database files

Post by mister_v »


does anyone knowns where MySQL stores the database files?

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Re: Where does MySQL store it database files

Post by chris »

This is set by datadir in my.cf (/etc/mysql/my.cnf) in Linux,
or my.ini (C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\my.ini) in Windows

Standard it is in Linux:
datadir = /var/lib/mysql

in Windows:
datadir="C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.1/Data/"
Posts: 193
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2010 9:19 pm

Re: Where does MySQL store it database files

Post by mister_v »

Thanks for the info
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