I want to create a backup user account with only read access,
to use with mysqldump.
what are the minimum rights I have to grant to this user?
Grant rights to a backup user.
Re: Grant rights to a backup user.
I think the minimum right mysql dump needs is SELECT and LOCK TABLES
Don't forget to flush command:
Code: Select all
GRANT SELECT, LOCK TABLES ON database.* TO ‘backup’@’hostname’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password';
Code: Select all
flush privileges;
Re: Grant rights to a backup user.
PROCESS privilege is new as of MySQL 5.7.31 and MySQL 8.0.21 and is also needed if you don't use --no-tablespaces.
privilege needed for mysqldump backup user:
privilege needed for mysqldump backup user:
- SELECT privilege for dumped tables
- SHOW VIEW for dumped views
- TRIGGER for dumped triggers
- LOCK TABLES if you don’t use the --single-transaction option
- PROCESS if you don’t use the --no-tablespaces option