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Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators take numerical values (either literals or variables) as their operands and return a single numerical value. The standard arithmetic operators are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). These operators work as they do in most other programming languages, except the / operators returns a floating-point division in JavaScript, not a truncated division as it does in languages such as C or Java. For example:
1/2 //returns 0.5 in Javascript
1/2 //returns 0 in Java

In addition, Javascript provides the arithmetic operators listed in the following table.

Operators Description Examples
% (modulus) Binary operator. Returns the integer remainder of dividing the two operands. 12%5 returns 2
++ (Increment) Unary operator. Adds one to its operand. If used as a prefix operator (++x), returns the value of its operand after adding one; if used as a postfix operator (x++), returns the value of its operand before adding one. If x is 3, then ++x set x to 4 and returns 4, whereas x++ sets x to 4 and returns 3.
-- (Decrement) Unary operator. Substraction one to its operand. The return value is analogous to that for the increment operator. If x is 3, then --x sets x to 2 and returns 2, whereas x++ sets x to 2 and returns 3.
- (Unary negation) Unary operator. Returns the negation of its operand. If x is 3, then -x returns -3.



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