Javascript is a simple interpreted object-oriented scriptlanguage for client and server-applications
JavaScript can be typed directly in HTML-pages.
JavaScript is interpreted when the script is started. The change for runtime errors is real.
Javascript workswith object who have each there own properties, methods and event-handlers.
Client applications are performed in a browser (IE, Netscape, ...) on the client computer; Server applications are performed on the server.
With javascript you Can create dynamic HTML pages.
Trough LiveConnect JavaScript has access to JAVA and COBRA.
Client-side and Server-side use both the Core Language.
JavaScript is not the same or like Java.
JavaScript is created by Netscape and Sun, Java only by Sun. Javascript is interpreted, Java is complied.Microsoft has its own version of JavaScript, called JScript. They are not completely compatible.
There are several version of JavaScript.
- JavaScript 1.0: Netscape Navigator 2.0
- JavaScript 1.1: Netscape Navigator 3.0
- JavaScript 1.2: Netscape Navigator 4.0
- JavaScript 1.3: Netscape Navigator 4.06 and Netscape Navigator 4.5